International supplier of functional membrane separation materials and solutions
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Ammonia Removal Membrane Contactors
Degassing Membrane Contactors
Membrane Distillation Contactors
Carbon Capture Membrane Contactors
Ammonia Removal Case
Membrane Distillation Case
Carbon Capture Case
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Ammonia Removal Membrane
Degassing Membrane
Membrane Distillation
Pigment wastewater deammoniation project
Pigment wastewater is a difficult problem in industrial wastewater treatment. The water quality of organic pigment wastewater has the characteristics of high ammonia nitrogen content, high acidity, high COD, high chroma, high salt content, and difficulty in biodegradation of organic matter. At the same time, there are problems such as intermittent discharge and large changes in water quality and quantity over time.
AG-glass etching wastewater deammoniation project
In the AG glass etching production process, the use of a variety of strong acids and fluorides makes the chemical composition of the wastewater extremely complex and the ammonia nitrogen content is high. At the same time, due to differences in product batches, different etching processes and changes in raw materials, the quality and amount of wastewater often fluctuate greatly. After the etching process is completed, the glass needs to be cleaned. During this period, a large amount of cleaning water containing glass debris and abrasive particles is discharged into the wastewater pipe, causing the content of suspended matter and organic matter in the wastewater to rise sharply. The above factors have brought extremely severe challenges to the treatment of AG glass etching wastewater to meet the discharge standards.
Power plant reverse osmosis concentrated water-low temperature membrane distillation
Power plant reverse osmosis concentrated water - low temperature membrane distillation 4 times concentrated
Carbon dioxide capture and utilization
The utilization and storage of carbon dioxide (CCUS) refers to the process of capturing and separating CO2 from emission sources such as energy utilization and industrial processes, or directly from the air. The captured CO2 is then transported via trucks, pipelines, ships, etc., to suitable sites for utilization or storage . This technology plays a crucial role in achieving China's goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, and is an indispensable component of the technology mix for reducing CO2 emissions.