Ultrapure water degassing membrane contactor
  • Ultrapure water degassing membrane contactor

Ultrapure water degassing membrane contactor

PTFE-MDG-2010 degassing membrane is a new generation product using Sci-Nano PTFE membrane filament degassing technology. The excellent degassing performance of the PTFE-MDG-2010 degassing membrane contactor can reduce the gas concentration to the ppb level, achieving high dissolved oxygen removal rate and low pressure loss at the same time. Prevent bubbles in the liquid from affecting the operation of the equipment. The unique internal structure design adopts high fiber filling density, which can produce a large effective membrane area and the flow rate can reach up to 2000mL/min. Therefore, PTFE-MDG-2010 degassing membranes can be used at relatively high flow rates and still achieve excellent removal of dissolved gas content.

Product Description

Ultrapure water degassing membrane contactor

PTFE-MDG-2010 degassing membrane is a new generation product using Sci-Nano PTFE membrane filament degassing technology. The unique internal structure design adopts high fiber filling density, which can produce a large effective membrane area and the flow rate can reach up to 2000mL/min. Therefore, PTFE-MDG-2010 degassing membranes can be used at relatively high flow rates and still achieve excellent removal of dissolved gas content.

PTFE-MDG-2010 degassing membrane is a new generation product using Sci-Nano PTFE membrane filament degassing technology. The excellent degassing performance of the PTFE-MDG-2010 degassing membrane contactor can reduce the gas concentration to the ppb level, achieving high dissolved oxygen removal rate and low pressure loss at the same time. Prevent bubbles in the liquid from affecting the operation of the equipment. The unique internal structure design adopts high fiber filling density, which can produce a large effective membrane area and the flow rate can reach up to 2000mL/min. Therefore, PTFE-MDG-2010 degassing membranes can be used at relatively high flow rates and still achieve excellent removal of dissolved gas content.

Product advantages:

1、Low pressure loss.

2、Can be degassed online.

3、Unique compact design, takes up little space.

4、High dissolved oxygen removal rate.

5、SCINANO-PTFE superphobic water hollow fiber membrane.

The main purpose:

Pure water degassing; solvent degassing, hydrogen-rich water preparation, etc.

PTFE-MDG-2010 degassing membrane product parameter table:



Membrane filament


Encapsulatingb giue

Epoxy resin




12mm Card access

Maximum vacuum pressure


Maximum operating pressure


Maximum operating temperature


Key words: Ultrapure water degassing membrane contactor

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